After nearly 30 years on the internet, the venerable has accumulated a fair amount of flotsam and jetsam. With our latest (2025) site update, we’ve eliminated and/or reorganized some of our material. If you’ve landed here, it’s because you’ve followed an outdated link, or one that no longer serves any function.
We are pretty proud of our work here at and are delighted that others have found the site to be worthwhile. Here are some of our most treasured awards. A special thanks to these folks, who have honored

Top Ten
Everything we provide here at is free. But it doesn’t just materialize out of thin air. Decades of research, hours of programming, in short, a lot of hard work goes into creating and maintaining this advertising-free site. What can you do to show your support? We’ve compiled a list of the ten most helpful, mostly free, things you can do to help keep the best free resource for koryu on the Net. Thanks for helping us out! Revised version to be coming soon.
With search engines as thorough as there are these days, maintaining a list of links seem like an ineffective use of time.
Old adminstrative/no longer relevant
- Unsubscribed and maillist relate to our now defunct update email feature. We may reimplement this in the future.
- Notfound was a customized version of our 404 page. This has been updated.
- Thanks was a form response page that is no longer necessary.
- Guide to Book Publishing is utterly outdated in the 21st century.
- Reviews to obsolete items (Kanji Cards) have been removed.